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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Gujarat: All Teacher to donate one day's salary to CM relief fund for fight against coronavirus

Corona virus is slowly taking over Gujarat.  So far, a total of 39 positive cases have been registered and one has been killed.  As a result, financial support is being provided by employees and politicians from different fields.  Today, 68 Congress MLAs have announced a grant of Rs 10 lakh per MLA.  

While teachers of primary schools, secondary-upper secondary school and 40 thousand employees of Gujarat ST have decided to pay one day salary to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund.  In which teachers will deposit a total of Rs 45.34 crore for one day salary.

 68 MLAs of Congress will give Rs.10-10 lakh
 Leader of Opposition in the Gujarat Legislative Assembly Paresh Dhanani said that Rs 10-10 lakh has been allotted by 68 MLAs of the Congress party, which has been reported in a letter to the collector.

 To fight the coronary epidemic, 68 lawmakers of Congress have urged the government to expedite the allocation of Rs 10 lakh for the necessary equipment, medical kit and resources for the immediate management and action of the system.

 2 lakh 76 thousand teachers in the state will pay one day salary
 In order to help the state government in the transitional case of corona virus, teachers of primary schools and secondary and upper secondary schools of the state have decided to deposit their one-day salary in the CM's relief fund.  These teachers will deposit a total of Rs 45.

 34 crore for a day's pay.
 In addition to the state government's primary schools and municipal corporations, an estimated 2.13 lakh primary teachers belonging to the municipalities owned by the municipalities will deposit Rs 34.20 crore of their one-day salary in the CM's relief fund.  

While 63,000 teachers from secondary, upper secondary schools will deposit Rs 45.14 crore in CM's relief fund with Rs 11.16 crore for one day pay.  Education Minister Bhupendra Singh Chudasama has congratulated the teachers community for expressing their feeling of help in depositing one day salary in CM's relief fund.



Gujarat: All Teacher to donate one day's salary to CM relief fund for fight against coronavirus

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