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Sunday, September 1, 2019

Gujarat Rajy Prathmik shikshak sangh ni sankan samiti ni bethak babat all news

Gujarat Rajy Prathmik shikshak sangh ni sankan samiti ni bethak babat all news

  • Kaizala Application
  • BLO Application
  • 4200 Grade Pay
  • 7th Pay padtar manganio
  • Kelvani nirixak Badhti
vagere jeva vishayo ni charcha karvama aavshe.

Jem Official News aavshe em ahi update karvama aavshe. aa link ni mulakat leta raho

Watch Video : Click Here

2800 Grade Pay Babat Video : Click here

Read Official Press Note : Click here

Buying a home is dream for many people. Owing to the rising price of properties, it has almost become impossible for an average earning person to buy a home on a lump sum payment. Therefore the concept of home loan has come in trend. There are plethora of housing finance companies and equal number of banks that offer home loans these days. The task of selecting one company and one offer for home loan amidst the thousands available options have become a very complex task owing to the burgeoning housing finance market in the country. Apart from this, there are intricate business jargons and technicalities that make this task more difficult. Explore here the basics of home loan technicalities, so that when you apply for the home loan next time, you can understand the basics and help yourself remain away from the duping elements in the market.

Home loans are usually accompanied by the following additional costs: a) Processing fee: It's a fee payable to the lender on applying for a loan. It is either a fixed amount not linked to the loan or may also be a percentage of the loan amount. b) Prepayment Penalties: When a loan is paid back before the end of the agreed duration a penalty is charged by some banks/companies, which is usually between 1% and 2% of the amount being pre paid. c) Commitment Fees: Some institutions levy a commitment fee in case the loan is not availed of within a stipulated period of time after it is processed and sanctioned. d) Miscellaneous costs: It is quite possible that some lenders may levy a documentation or consultant charges.

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Single Use Plastic na vaprash babat Latest Paripatra

Single Use Plastic na vaprash babat Latest Paripatra

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Buying a home is dream for many people. Owing to the rising price of properties, it has almost become impossible for an average earning person to buy a home on a lump sum payment. Therefore the concept of home loan has come in trend. There are plethora of housing finance companies and equal number of banks that offer home loans these days. The task of selecting one company and one offer for home loan amidst the thousands available options have become a very complex task owing to the burgeoning housing finance market in the country. Apart from this, there are intricate business jargons and technicalities that make this task more difficult. Explore here the basics of home loan technicalities, so that when you apply for the home loan next time, you can understand the basics and help yourself remain away from the duping elements in the market.

Online Attendance new System- A new portal has been made in the website of the SSA GUJARAT online presence.
Online Attendance new System- A new portal has been made in the website of the SSA GUJARAT online presence. ONLINE HAJRI ANDROID M...
Download BLO Net application : Full User Guide of BLO Net Application
Download BLO Net application : Full User Guide of BLO Net Application Application How to use BLO Net app . Download BLO Net App . IMPORTAN...
SOLYUTION PAPER STD-3 TO 8   DATE:-31 -08-2019  STANDARD 3 TO 8  USEFUL FOR ALL SCHOOL AND TEACHER Individual Characteristics and Mesothel...

Home loans are usually accompanied by the following additional costs: a) Processing fee: It's a fee payable to the lender on applying for a loan. It is either a fixed amount not linked to the loan or may also be a percentage of the loan amount. b) Prepayment Penalties: When a loan is paid back before the end of the agreed duration a penalty is charged by some banks/companies, which is usually between 1% and 2% of the amount being pre paid. c) Commitment Fees: Some institutions levy a commitment fee in case the loan is not availed of within a stipulated period of time after it is processed and sanctioned. d) Miscellaneous costs: It is quite possible that some lenders may levy a documentation or consultant charges.

Single Use Plastic na vaprash babat Latest Paripatra
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Kamkaj na sthale mahilaoni Jatiy satamani adhiniyam babat

Kamkaj na sthale mahilaoni Jatiy satamani adhiniyam babat

D2The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibitionedressal) Act, 2013 The SH Act had been brought in force six years ago to provide legal and administrative mechanism to deal with this menace. Under thisw omen, white
employed or not suffer sexual harassment at workplace,all covered. All workplaces, including a dwelling place or a house and the
visited by an employee arising out of or during the course of her employment including transportation provided by the employer for undertaking such journey). covered. Further, all workplaces with two or more employees are necessary required to have Internal Committees and all districts are required to have Committees as prescribed in the Act. All districts are also necessarily mandated
be provided with notified District Officers who shall further designate nodal officers
sub-district levels to receive complaints under this Act. Widespread traini awareness and environment building initiatives are to be carried out. Discharge Preserbed duties by employers (in relation to providing of safe working environment Car women at their workplaces) and for action/ outcome related disclosure (pertaining to this Act) by companies and employers, are to be ensured. And importantly, time bound support, inquiry and redressal for aggrieved women
be ascertained.
3. Unfortunately, very often it has been observed that the implementation the SH Act is lacking in many of the aforementione dcritically important aspect would like to request you to kindly ensure its strong and effective implementation with special focus on the following issues:

Constitution of Internal Committees or ICs at all workplaces employers through written orders as p r Section 4 of the Act. Constitution of Local Committees or LCs in all districts to race complaints from organizations having less than 10 workers or if complaint is against employer himself, as prescribed u s 6 & 7 Act

Notification of District Officers u/s 5 and designation of nodal
u/s 8(2) in every block, taluka and tehsil in rural or tribal area and
or municipality in the urban area all across your State
Regular monitoring of the progress of action on the grievances
this Act
Ensuring display at conspicuous points in all workplaces of the
consequences of sexual harassment of women at workplace and
details of LCs and related ICs/.
Ensuring extensive training, sensitization and awareness exercises
all stakeholders on regular and ongoing basis, including induction
training for all new entrants to workforce
vii. Any other steps approaches which you may consider required
suitable for achieving these goals

Read Circular : Click here

Kamkaj na sthale mahilaoni Jatiy satamani adhiniyam babat
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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ganesh Chaturthi Special Whatsapp Dp Check Ganesh Chaturthi Images Ganesh Chaturthi Special Whatsapp Dp.

Ganesh Chaturthi Special Whatsapp Dp
Check Ganesh Chaturthi Images Ganesh Chaturthi Special Whatsapp Dp.

Home loans are usually accompanied by the following additional costs: a) Processing fee: It's a fee payable to the lender on applying for a loan. It is either a fixed amount not linked to the loan or may also be a percentage of the loan amount. b) Prepayment Penalties: When a loan is paid back before the end of the agreed duration a penalty is charged by some banks/companies, which is usually between 1% and 2% of the amount being pre paid. c) Commitment Fees: Some institutions levy a commitment fee in case the loan is not availed of within a stipulated period of time after it is processed and sanctioned. d) Miscellaneous costs: It is quite possible that some lenders may levy a documentation or consultant charges.

With Photo with Location feature available in Kaizala, now field workers can easily share location with their managers or their team members  . The Photo with Location action came up with Kaizala app, it  allows you to share real-time photo information with others, along with the GPS coordinates to show where the photo was taken.
We, at Foetron, are a team of Cloud Evangelists who sell Office 365, provide migration & deployment resources and train organizations on Office 365, Teams, Project, Visio, Yammer, Delve, Planner, Booking and Office productivity tools. We are working to empower organization to take the journey of digital transformation.

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Friday, August 30, 2019

Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a viral disease

Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a viral disease

Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a viral disease. Symptoms of CCHF may include fever, muscle pains, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and bleeding into the skin. Onset of symptoms is less than two weeks following exposure. Complications may include liver failure.
Differential diagnosis: Dengue fever, Q fever, Ebola virus disease
Symptoms: Fever, muscle pains, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding into the skin
Diagnostic method: Detecting antibodies, the virus's RNA, or the virus itself
Specialty: Infectious disease

Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF)

Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever is a viral haemorrhagic fever transmitted by ticks. It can be responsible for severe outbreaks in humans but it is not pathogenic for ruminants, their amplifying host.

The disease was first described in the Crimea in 1944 and given the name Crimean haemorrhagic fever. In 1969 it was recognized that the pathogen causing Crimean haemorrhagic fever was the same as that responsible for an illness identified in 1956 in the Congo, and linkage of the two place names resulted

Congo fever: Gujarat a ‘ticking’ bomb

It’s a disease that has been leaping from animals to humans in Gujarat since 2011 and has the potential to explode to cause major health fatalities if gone unnoticed. This ‘ticking’ bomb — the Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus — transmitted through bite of Hyalomma tick is spreading fast across the state.

Read in Gujarati : Click here

Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a viral disease
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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Banaskantha ma Kaizala Application thi Hajri puravana niranay thi Shikshako ma aakrosh.

Banaskantha ma Kaizala Application thi Hajri puravana niranay thi Shikshako ma aakrosh.

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How can add photo with location in kaizala application.

How to use Photo with Location Feature in Kaizala App?

With Photo with Location feature available in Kaizala, now field workers can easily share location with their managers or their team members  . The Photo with Location action came up with Kaizala app, it  allows you to share real-time photo information with others, along with the GPS coordinates to show where the photo was taken.
We, at Foetron, are a team of Cloud Evangelists who sell Office 365, provide migration & deployment resources and train organizations on Office 365, Teams, Project, Visio, Yammer, Delve, Planner, Booking and Office productivity tools. We are working to empower organization to take the journey of digital transformation.

Related Articles

  • How to use Photo with Location Feature in Kaizala App?
  • How to share announcements with your clients and colleagues in Kaizala app?
  • How to create polls for your team members or clients in Kaizala app?
  • What is Microsoft Kaizala App?
  • How to take feedback for a training by organizing surveys in Microsoft Kaizala app?
  • How to use Cross Reference in Word Document in Microsoft Word 2016?
  • How to Save a message as a file
  • How can I create presentations from a document in Microsoft Sway?
  • How can I look into my today's task list in Microsoft To-Do App?
  • How can I accept Skype for Business meeting invite in.
  • Join Kaizala Best Groups

1. Installation and quick start

Download Kaizala from Google Play Store for Android or App Store for iOS now. Activate with your phone number and get started right away. Click on the ‘+’ sign to create a group and add members from your contacts list or directly add the phone numbers. Give the group a name and you are all set. Try sending a Kaizala Action by clicking on the top right corner to bring up the Kaizala Actions palette. Try sending a Quick Poll or an Announcement to see Kaizala in Action. If you don’t have anyone in your network on Kaizala, you can still add them to the group and then click on Group Name to send an invite to all the members who are not on Kaizala.
  1. Identify scenarios

It is advisable to have a few use cases for Kaizala in mind for your organization before you begin the deployment. Here are some videos depicting Kaizala use cases, created with inspiration from real customers using Kaizala.

3. Define groups in Kaizala for your org

Once you have identified the use cases for Kaizala in your org, you need to create the right groups in Kaizala so that those use cases can be achieved effectively.
Kaizala provides 3 types of groups that can be used in isolation or in conjunction to support the various communication and collaboration needs of your organization – within its employees as well as with its value chain or employees.
Here are the types of groups, their properties, and commonly used scenarios where each of the group type is used by our existing customers:
, please refer here.

4. Start using Kaizala

Kaizala can be installed from Google Play Store for Android or App Store for iPhones.

4.1 Get Kaizala installed by your organizational users

Driving app installation in your org would be very critical to the success of this project. Here are some methods used by other customers:
  • Click on Group name in Kaizala app and click on Invite All to send a text message to invite all members.
  • Send out an email to people sharing value prop and a link to download.
  • Send out messages to the organizational WhatsApp groups with the download link.
  • Send out bulk SMSs to people with the download link.
  • Design Kaizala posters and place them at places where everyone can see it.
  • Incentivize people to install Kaizala with early bird winner or with quizzes or best picture submission survey, etc.
5. How to use Photo with Location Feature in Kaizala App?

  • Open Online attadence group or any group or any friends contacts.
  •  Click on attachment menu. In attachment you can get announcement, Job, Let's meet, Quick poll and Photo with Location.
  • Click on photo with Location and Capture photo on your Mobile. and send it.

Banaskantha ma Kaizala Application thi Hajri puravana niranay thi Shikshako ma aakrosh.
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Class 1 to Class 3 Promotion Rules Circular 23/8/2019

Class 1 to Class 3 Promotion Rules Circular 23/8/2019

Click here to Read

Do you have to create a personal Facebook account when you use Workplace?
How much does this cost?

Why should my company pay for Workplace Premium when some of the features are available on Facebook and Workplace Standard?

Enterprises have specific requirements for tools in the workplace. Enterprise features such as single sign-on (SSO), secure identity management, enterprise support and analytics are included in Workplace Premium. The company retains ownership of the data their employees post in Workplace, and have mechanisms to export that information and manage its community in ways that are not available on Facebook or Workplace Standard.
What is the difference between the free and paying (Standard and Premium) plans?
Can my employer see my personal account?

Who owns the information that employees create?

What happens when an employee leaves the company?

How do I delete my account?

Free trial period extended for Workplace Premium customers

Workplace Premium is the paid product we launched to the public in October 2016, and many organisations have been using it.

How does the new free trial period work for Workplace Premium?

Why is the free trial period being extended?

When will you start charging Workplace Premium customers?

What if we started using Workplace Premium in January 2017?

What if we started using Workplace Premium in 2016?

What if we start using Workplace Premium on 20 July 2017?

When will we know that billing will start?

We would like to cancel our account because billing will be starting soon.

I still have questions.

Class 1 to Class 3 Promotion Rules Circular 23/8/2019
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HTAT Mukhya Shikshako na Prashno babat Gujarat Shaixik sangh ni Rajuaat

HTAT Mukhya Shikshako na Prashno babat Gujarat Shaixik sangh ni Rajuaat

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Monetizing content that falls under the Google Publisher Restrictions will no longer be a policy violation; instead, we will restrict advertising on that content as appropriate, based on the preferences of each advertising product and/or advertisers’ individual preferences. In some cases this will mean that no advertising sources are bidding on your inventory and no ads will appear on this restricted content. So while you can choose to monetize content covered by the Google Publisher Restrictions, doing so will mean you will likely receive less advertising on this restricted content than you would receive on other, nonrestricted content.
Content that falls under the Google Publisher Policies is not allowed to be monetized and you should not place ads against that content. Attempting to monetize policy-violating content may result in your account(s) being suspended or terminated.
Please note that these policies and restrictions will apply in addition to any other policies governing your use of Google publisher products.

Nothing at this time. The Help Center and Policy Center will be updated in September 2019 when this takes effect with the full breakdown of policies and restrictions. At that time, please review the updated policies and restrictions and ensure that your content is in compliance.

HTAT Mukhya Shikshako na Prashno babat Gujarat Shaixik sangh ni Rajuaat
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Madadnish Sasnadhikari, Supervisor Exam Result Decalre.

Madadnish Sasnadhikari Exam Result Decalre.

Click on below link for Result

(2) A.A.O. Exam Result

(3) Supervisor Exam Result

Madadnish Sasnadhikari exam Provisional Answer key and OMR Sheet Declared

Provisional Answer key

OMR Sheet

Trained Supervisor Answer key

At J.G. Wentworth, we can buy some, or even your future annuity payments in exchange for a lump sum of cash. In some cases, you can sell your annuity payments and receive the money you need in as little as two weeks after you sign the required paperwork. It's your money. Use it when you need it.
Why sell your annuity payments? Everyone's financial situation is different, but for over 25 years we've been helping people sell their future payments, we've heard many reasons why people want their money sooner. Some of the most popular include:
Buying a new home or repairing an existing one
Paying for college or technical school training
Starting or growing a private business
Paying for unplanned medical expenses
Paying off high-interest debt
Changing an investment or retirement plan
You might have a similar reason, or you could have different plans for your money entirely. We want to help. When you contact us, you will speak with a representative who will give you options for your future payments for cash you can spend sooner.
If you're thinking about selling some or all of your payments, knowing what they're worth today is an important first step, but it's not just a simple calculation. When you set up your annuity, you chose what options, known as riders, you put on it that changes how the payout worked. These riders can change the value of your payments. Other factors that influence the current value of your future payments include:
The amount of remaining payments
How often you receive those payments
When you're scheduled to receive the payments you're looking at selling.

Madadnish Sasnadhikari exam Provisional Answer key and OMR Sheet Declared

Provisional Answer key

OMR Sheet

Trained Supervisor Answer key

Madadnish Sasnadhikari exam Provisional Answer key and OMR Sheet Declared
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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Kheda Prathmik Shikshak sangh ni Kaizal, Ekam kasoti, Pagar na baki bhaththa, Paripatro babat Rajuaat

Kheda Prathmik Shikshak sangh ni Kaizal, Ekam kasoti, Pagar na baki bhaththa, Paripatro babat Rajuaat

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Monetizing content that falls under the Google Publisher Restrictions will no longer be a policy violation; instead, we will restrict advertising on that content as appropriate, based on the preferences of each advertising product and/or advertisers’ individual preferences. In some cases this will mean that no advertising sources are bidding on your inventory and no ads will appear on this restricted content. So while you can choose to monetize content covered by the Google Publisher Restrictions, doing so will mean you will likely receive less advertising on this restricted content than you would receive on other, nonrestricted content.
Content that falls under the Google Publisher Policies is not allowed to be monetized and you should not place ads against that content. Attempting to monetize policy-violating content may result in your account(s) being suspended or terminated.

Please note that these policies and restrictions will apply in addition to any other policies governing your use of Google publisher products.

Nothing at this time. The Help Center and Policy Center will be updated in September 2019 when this takes effect with the full breakdown of policies and restrictions. At that time, please review the updated policies and restrictions and ensure that your content is in compliance.

Kheda Prathmik Shikshak sangh ni Kaizal, Ekam kasoti, Pagar na baki bhaththa, Paripatro babat Rajuaat
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Facebook Workplace Application useful Information in Workplace

Facebook Workplace Application useful Information in Workplace

Facebook. Website. Workplace is an enterprise connectivity platform developed by Facebook, Inc. and featuring tools like groups, instant messaging and News Feed.

Work tools that change everything. Communicate, collaborate and connect across desktop and mobile, using familiar features such as groups, chat and video calls. ... Our instant messaging feature lets you chat one-to-one or in groups, reaching anyone in your organisation with text

Workplace is a mobile and web app that aims to keep your team members connected. The service, which used to be called Facebook Work, offers features like Facebook Groups, Facebook Messenger, built-in audio and video calling, and access to the social network's profiles, Events, and Live video tools.

About Workplace

What is Workplace by Facebook?

Workplace is a dedicated and secure space for companies to connect, communicate and collaborate. Organisations of all sizes can use familiar Facebook features such as News Feed, groups, messages and events to get things done.

What features are available in Workplace that can replace some of our existing workplace tools?

Companies find that they can eliminate or drastically reduce their need for internal collaboration tools such as their intranet, telephony systems, video conferencing and distribution lists.
Workplace does more than just simplify communications – it inspires all levels of the company to embrace digital and mobile, and adopt a culture of speed and transparency.
In addition, Workplace is easy to use because it's based on familiar Facebook features like News Feed, groups and messages. No training is required.

How many companies are using Workplace?
I would like to try Workplace.

We have 30,000 companies around the globe using Workplace.
These companies span multiple industries – retail, technology, telecommunications, financial services, media, entertainment, food and beverage, transport, property, utilities, shipping and government.
Do you have to create a personal Facebook account when you use Workplace?
How much does this cost?

Why should my company pay for Workplace Premium when some of the features are available on Facebook and Workplace Standard?

Enterprises have specific requirements for tools in the workplace. Enterprise features such as single sign-on (SSO), secure identity management, enterprise support and analytics are included in Workplace Premium. The company retains ownership of the data their employees post in Workplace, and have mechanisms to export that information and manage its community in ways that are not available on Facebook or Workplace Standard.

What is the difference between the free and paying (Standard and Premium) plans?
Can my employer see my personal account?

Who owns the information that employees create?

What happens when an employee leaves the company?

How do I delete my account?

Free trial period extended for Workplace Premium customers

Workplace Premium is the paid product we launched to the public in October 2016, and many organisations have been using it.

How does the new free trial period work for Workplace Premium?

Why is the free trial period being extended?

When will you start charging Workplace Premium customers?

What if we started using Workplace Premium in January 2017?

What if we started using Workplace Premium in 2016?

What if we start using Workplace Premium on 20 July 2017?

When will we know that billing will start?

We would like to cancel our account because billing will be starting soon.

I still have questions.

Read in Gujarati about Workplace

Read Workplace file in Gujarati : Click here 

Workplace for Good is free for nonprofits and staff of educational institutions, with resources to help organizations dedicated to creating an impact.
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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Vidhansabha ane Loksabha Bhag number, matdar kramank sodho., Search name in Voter list

Search name in Voter list

Vidhansabha ane Loksabha Bhag number, matdar kramank sodho.

Name , age, Ling, State  jevi mahiti nakhine pan sodhi shakay chhe. ane EPIC number ( chuntani card ) number nakhi ne pan sodhi shakay chhe.

Hal 5 September thi Masik patrak ane Pagarbill temaj tamam vahivati kam online karvanu chhe. to ema ek Teacher form bharvanu thay chhe. Tema election na bhag number ni vigato lakhva mate jaruri link.

Search name in Voter list

National Electoral Search :: Election Commission of India has launched a major initiative of Electoral Roll Search at National level.

Search. Search Your Name in Electoral Roll. Application for lssue of Replacement ... Apply online for registration of new voter/due to shifting from AC.

Search your name in the voter list of your state. This service is provided by the Election Commission of India. Users can search their name by selection ..

Search your name in the voter list of your state. This service is provided by the Election Commission of India. Users can search their name by selection their state name. Details such as first name, last name, assembly constituency name, gender, etc. are also required to perform the search. District-wise search option is also available.

Check Election results by Election Commission of India

You can check the results of all latest Elections of Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, Legislative Assemblies and Legislative Councils etc. Online elections results are made available by the Election Commission of India. You can also check the party-wise trends and results.

Search voter information online by ECI

This service, provided by the Election Commission of India, can be used by voters to search their names and get the information related to polling stations in the nation-wide electoral rolls. The search is based on the electoral data of the states and Union Territories. Voters need to provide their details such as name, father's name, state, Constituency, age, gender, etc. to get the information pertaining to polling stations, Assembly Constituency, Parliamentary Constituency, serial number of polling stations, etc.

Search polling station location online by Election Commission of India

Search for location of Election Commission of India (ECI) polling stations on Google map. Users can check location of polling stations by selecting state, district, assembly constituency and polling station. Information about state, Chief Electoral Officer, district, District Electoral Officer, assembly constituency, etc. can be accessed.

Check all details by below two links.

You can avail various online citizen services of Election Commission of India. Users can avail various services such as apply for inclusion of name in electoral roll, apply for inclusion of Non-Resident Indian (NRI) name in electoral roll, apply for correction in electoral roll, application for transposition of entry in electoral roll, etc. Registered users can login to lodge complaints. New users can register with the ECI by entering their mobile number and e-mail ID. The officers contact list is also provided.
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Science Fair Science Prjojects, Vigyan mela krutio, Ganit Vigyan Pradarshan models.

Science Fair Science Prjojects, Vigyan mela krutio, Ganit Vigyan Pradarshan models.

Click here to Visit

Rajya Kaxa Science fair 2015-16 ma aavel best krutio  mate ni single book (pdf) 

Download : Click here 

Science Fair 2019-20 Circular

A science fair experiment is generally a competition where contestants present their science project, results in the form of a report, display board, and/or models that they have created. Science fairs allow students in elementary, middle and high schools to compete in science and/or technology activities.

What is Science Fair ?

Science fair is an opportunity for students to apply the scientific method to conduct independent research. The results of each student's ...

Preparation for a science fair should begin early in the fall semester with the selection of a topic which will lead to a problem that the student will wish to research. The student should explore various sources of information in order to gain a thorough understanding of the topic that he or she has chosen. Besides traditional sources such as library books, the student should research current periodicals, journals, Internet sources and interview professionals who are working within the same field of study. The student should learn “what research has already been done and what has been concluded regarding [the student's] question and also something about the procedures and rules of evidence in [the student's] particular field” (Manning-Schwartz, 1997). In other words, a complete study of the topic so that the student can design an intelligent and meaningful experiment. The research--or literature review--should account for at least half of the student's effort on the project; incomplete research on the selected topic is the most common grounds for science fair judges to disqualify projects for advancement.

Science Fair Subjects

1.Science and Technology for
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Agricultural Practices 
2. Cleanliness and Health
 3, Resource Manage Intent 
Development as st)
 5. A. Future Transport and Communication 
B. Educational Games and Mathematical Modelling (als

Title of One-day Seminar (At District level and State Level). Periodic Table of Elements

  • CRC Level - Before 31 August
  • Taluka Level - Before 6 September
  • District Level - Before end of September
  • State Level - November

Vigyanmelo 2019-20 Babat Paripatra ane Ayojan

2019-20 na varsh ma ayojit Ganit vigyan pradarshan mate kaya kya vishayo chhe ane CRC kaxa ye vigyanmelo kyare yojashe. Taluka kaxaye vogyan melo kyare yojashe te babat aayojan.

Download Circular

Download Science Fair, Ganit Vigyan Pradarshan, Vigyanmelo Paripatra from below link

Science Fair Science Prjojects, Vigyan mela krutio, Ganit Vigyan Pradarshan models.

Click here to Visit

Rajya Kaxa Science fair 2015-16 ma aavel best krutio  mate ni single book (pdf) 

Download : Click here 

Science Fair Science Prjojects, Vigyan mela krutio, Ganit Vigyan Pradarshan models.
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Manniy Rao sahebe Video conference ma aapeli suchnao no amal karva babat paripatra junagadh


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In contrast, teachers might focus on the processes of science and develop scientific conceptual understanding from it. This process-centred approach could, for instance, offer the children experiments and investigations as starting points for acquiring conceptual knowledge with little or no direct teaching of concepts. In this case a conceptual structure is withheld. The onus is on the children to recall or construct a functional mental representation without reference to a teachers' description of one. Pupils might infer relationships in the topic under study and may be given an opportunity to test and revise their ideas.

Of course, other teachers might focus on a combination of these two approaches and develop scientific skills and conceptual understanding from in this combination. This mixed approach could be a balance or, perhaps, a compromise, between a product-centred and a process-centred approach, in which the teacher provides a partial conceptual structure and leaves the remainder for children to construct by inferring, hypothesising, or testing their ideas. It could encourage lessons where children do investigations with some features already identified by the teacher, and with some conceptual knowledge about the subject that enables them to appreciate the purpose of the activity. In contrast, it could encourage lessons without a clear purpose which mixed different types of activity, but did not develop either conceptual or procedure understanding exclusively..

Science Activities and Experiments

Science activities help little learners of all ages understand important concepts, and these science activities for kids give them the opportunity to discover something completely new. What's more, science activities are fun! Some, like Oobleck, are messy. Others are impressive, like the classic erupting volcano project. Whatever activity you end up trying, your child will be developing new skills as he forms predictions and makes observations. No matter where your child's interests may lie, we have a science experiment that will teach him something cool and make him smile.

Manniy Rao sahebe Video conference ma aapeli suchnao no amal karva babat paripatra junagadh
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Gujarat Rajya Prathmik Shikshak sangh ni karyvahak bethak babat video

Gujarat Rajya Prathmik Shikshak sangh ni karyvahak bethak babat video

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One of the benefits associated with an online personal loan is that it is unsecured in nature. This means you don’t need to pledge any collateral for your loan. Although this can be a reason for your interest rate, you can get a low-interest personal loan easily if you meet the eligibility requirements.

In this age of digitisation, the process of verification and documentation has now become short. This is applicable for an instant personal loan as they are fast in disbursal and require minimum documents for approval.

Box Virtual Dataroom is a secure platform built for deal management for mergers and acquisitions. It specializes in ensuring you focus on closing deals instead of documents since managing a merger and negotiating a contract is as complicated as it is. Hence, it provides a solution for moving documents and negotiations out of emails and into a secure virtual data room.

Users can instantly recover 500MB data with Data Recovery Wizard Free. Share the software on your Facebook or Twitter to grow to a limit of 2GB. Download and follow the instructions

Recover Much More Lost Data with EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional.

This central repository is built for contracts, plans, meeting minutes, bids, and schedules. The secure workspace gives you a platform where you can upload, create, view, and search for any file you need on any device. You control user access and restrict the ability to share, print, and download files. Furthermore, it mitigates data breach with file encryption, regulatory compliance, and individualized document watermarking, among others.

You can get personal loans that are quick and easy in approval. This is why it is the best bet in times of financial emergency. Moreover, the process has become digital; thus reducing time in the verification process.

ensures a compliant data governance across the program by enabling you to monitor usage patterns and access controls. This ensures you stay on top of private and sensitive information on your organization.

Recycle Bin Empty Data Recovery. You can filter scanning results by file type and selectively recover filed deleted after emptying the recycle bin.

Accidentally Deleted Files Recovery. Quickly recover data from unexpected lost caused by accidentally deletion or affected by virus attack.

A personal loan can be used for anything except for investment and illegal activities. Apart from that, it is multipurpose in nature and can be used for anything. Other forms of credit when taken are for a specific purpose and can be used only for the same. For example, a home loan is used for purchasing a house whereas a car loan is taken to buy a car. However, a personal loan can be taken to offset any immediate requirements.

You can upload your recovered files directly to Google Drive, Dropbox, or send them via email. The app also allows you to save the files to a different local folder on your device.

Gujarat Rajya Prathmik Shikshak sangh ni karyvahak bethak babat video
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31/8 ni sthitiye Mahekam banavva babat Latest Paripatra

31/8 ni sthitiye Mahekam banavva babat Latest Paripatra

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DiskDigger can undelete and recover lost photos and images from your memory card or internal memory. No rooting necessary!* Whether you accidentally deleted a photo, or even reformatted your memory card, DiskDigger’s powerful data recovery features can find your lost pictures and let you restore them.

Personal loans are an unsecured form of credit that is popular to meet immediate requirements. It is multi-purpose in nature and therefore can be used for various purposes including wedding, home renovation, travel purposes and more. Moreover, there is no restriction for the amount borrowed and can be used for any purpose they want. In fact, a personal loan can help you build your credit faster when compared with other forms of credit. This is because of the risk it carries due to being unsecured.
One of the benefits associated with an online personal loan is that it is unsecured in nature. This means you don’t need to pledge any collateral for your loan. Although this can be a reason for your interest rate, you can get a low-interest personal loan easily if you meet the eligibility requirements.

In this age of digitisation, the process of verification and documentation has now become short. This is applicable for an instant personal loan as they are fast in disbursal and require minimum documents for approval.

Box Virtual Dataroom is a secure platform built for deal management for mergers and acquisitions. It specializes in ensuring you focus on closing deals instead of documents since managing a merger and negotiating a contract is as complicated as it is. Hence, it provides a solution for moving documents and negotiations out of emails and into a secure virtual data room.

Users can instantly recover 500MB data with Data Recovery Wizard Free. Share the software on your Facebook or Twitter to grow to a limit of 2GB. Download and follow the instructions

Recover Much More Lost Data with EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional.

This central repository is built for contracts, plans, meeting minutes, bids, and schedules. The secure workspace gives you a platform where you can upload, create, view, and search for any file you need on any device. You control user access and restrict the ability to share, print, and download files. Furthermore, it mitigates data breach with file encryption, regulatory compliance, and individualized document watermarking, among others.

You can get personal loans that are quick and easy in approval. This is why it is the best bet in times of financial emergency. Moreover, the process has become digital; thus reducing time in the verification process.

ensures a compliant data governance across the program by enabling you to monitor usage patterns and access controls. This ensures you stay on top of private and sensitive information on your organization.

Recycle Bin Empty Data Recovery. You can filter scanning results by file type and selectively recover filed deleted after emptying the recycle bin.

Accidentally Deleted Files Recovery. Quickly recover data from unexpected lost caused by accidentally deletion or affected by virus attack.

A personal loan can be used for anything except for investment and illegal activities. Apart from that, it is multipurpose in nature and can be used for anything. Other forms of credit when taken are for a specific purpose and can be used only for the same. For example, a home loan is used for purchasing a house whereas a car loan is taken to buy a car. However, a personal loan can be taken to offset any immediate requirements.

You can upload your recovered files directly to Google Drive, Dropbox, or send them via email. The app also allows you to save the files to a different local folder on your device.

31/8 ni sthitiye Mahekam banavva babat Latest Paripatra
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Monday, August 26, 2019

Fix Pagar ni nokri Pantion Patra ganva babat

Fix Pagar ni nokri Pantion Patra ganva babat

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DiskDigger can undelete and recover lost photos and images from your memory card or internal memory. No rooting necessary!* Whether you accidentally deleted a photo, or even reformatted your memory card, DiskDigger’s powerful data recovery features can find your lost pictures and let you restore them.

Personal loans are an unsecured form of credit that is popular to meet immediate requirements. It is multi-purpose in nature and therefore can be used for various purposes including wedding, home renovation, travel purposes and more. Moreover, there is no restriction for the amount borrowed and can be used for any purpose they want. In fact, a personal loan can help you build your credit faster when compared with other forms of credit. This is because of the risk it carries due to being unsecured.

One of the benefits associated with an online personal loan is that it is unsecured in nature. This means you don’t need to pledge any collateral for your loan. Although this can be a reason for your interest rate, you can get a low-interest personal loan easily if you meet the eligibility requirements.

In this age of digitisation, the process of verification and documentation has now become short. This is applicable for an instant personal loan as they are fast in disbursal and require minimum documents for approval.

Box Virtual Dataroom is a secure platform built for deal management for mergers and acquisitions. It specializes in ensuring you focus on closing deals instead of documents since managing a merger and negotiating a contract is as complicated as it is. Hence, it provides a solution for moving documents and negotiations out of emails and into a secure virtual data room.

Users can instantly recover 500MB data with Data Recovery Wizard Free. Share the software on your Facebook or Twitter to grow to a limit of 2GB. Download and follow the instructions

Recover Much More Lost Data with EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional.

This central repository is built for contracts, plans, meeting minutes, bids, and schedules. The secure workspace gives you a platform where you can upload, create, view, and search for any file you need on any device. You control user access and restrict the ability to share, print, and download files. Furthermore, it mitigates data breach with file encryption, regulatory compliance, and individualized document watermarking, among others.

You can get personal loans that are quick and easy in approval. This is why it is the best bet in times of financial emergency. Moreover, the process has become digital; thus reducing time in the verification process.

ensures a compliant data governance across the program by enabling you to monitor usage patterns and access controls. This ensures you stay on top of private and sensitive information on your organization.

Recycle Bin Empty Data Recovery. You can filter scanning results by file type and selectively recover filed deleted after emptying the recycle bin.

Accidentally Deleted Files Recovery. Quickly recover data from unexpected lost caused by accidentally deletion or affected by virus attack.

A personal loan can be used for anything except for investment and illegal activities. Apart from that, it is multipurpose in nature and can be used for anything. Other forms of credit when taken are for a specific purpose and can be used only for the same. For example, a home loan is used for purchasing a house whereas a car loan is taken to buy a car. However, a personal loan can be taken to offset any immediate requirements.

You can upload your recovered files directly to Google Drive, Dropbox, or send them via email. The app also allows you to save the files to a different local folder on your device.

Fix Pagar ni nokri Pantion Patra ganva babat

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Vidyasahayak Bharti Bija tabakka nu aayojan karva Babat Karel Rajuaat No Reply Letter.

Vidyasahayak Bharti Bija tabakka nu aayojan karva Babat Karel Rajuaat No Reply Letter.

Click here to Read

DiskDigger can undelete and recover lost photos and images from your memory card or internal memory. No rooting necessary!* Whether you accidentally deleted a photo, or even reformatted your memory card, DiskDigger’s powerful data recovery features can find your lost pictures and let you restore them.

Personal loans are an unsecured form of credit that is popular to meet immediate requirements. It is multi-purpose in nature and therefore can be used for various purposes including wedding, home renovation, travel purposes and more. Moreover, there is no restriction for the amount borrowed and can be used for any purpose they want. In fact, a personal loan can help you build your credit faster when compared with other forms of credit. This is because of the risk it carries due to being unsecured.

One of the benefits associated with an online personal loan is that it is unsecured in nature. This means you don’t need to pledge any collateral for your loan. Although this can be a reason for your interest rate, you can get a low-interest personal loan easily if you meet the eligibility requirements.

In this age of digitisation, the process of verification and documentation has now become short. This is applicable for an instant personal loan as they are fast in disbursal and require minimum documents for approval.

Box Virtual Dataroom is a secure platform built for deal management for mergers and acquisitions. It specializes in ensuring you focus on closing deals instead of documents since managing a merger and negotiating a contract is as complicated as it is. Hence, it provides a solution for moving documents and negotiations out of emails and into a secure virtual data room.

Users can instantly recover 500MB data with Data Recovery Wizard Free. Share the software on your Facebook or Twitter to grow to a limit of 2GB. Download and follow the instructions

Recover Much More Lost Data with EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional.

This central repository is built for contracts, plans, meeting minutes, bids, and schedules. The secure workspace gives you a platform where you can upload, create, view, and search for any file you need on any device. You control user access and restrict the ability to share, print, and download files. Furthermore, it mitigates data breach with file encryption, regulatory compliance, and individualized document watermarking, among others.

You can get personal loans that are quick and easy in approval. This is why it is the best bet in times of financial emergency. Moreover, the process has become digital; thus reducing time in the verification process.

ensures a compliant data governance across the program by enabling you to monitor usage patterns and access controls. This ensures you stay on top of private and sensitive information on your organization.

Recycle Bin Empty Data Recovery. You can filter scanning results by file type and selectively recover filed deleted after emptying the recycle bin.

Accidentally Deleted Files Recovery. Quickly recover data from unexpected lost caused by accidentally deletion or affected by virus attack.

A personal loan can be used for anything except for investment and illegal activities. Apart from that, it is multipurpose in nature and can be used for anything. Other forms of credit when taken are for a specific purpose and can be used only for the same. For example, a home loan is used for purchasing a house whereas a car loan is taken to buy a car. However, a personal loan can be taken to offset any immediate requirements.

You can upload your recovered files directly to Google Drive, Dropbox, or send them via email. The app also allows you to save the files to a different local folder on your device.

Vidyasahayak Bharti Bija tabakka nu aayojan karva Babat Karel Rajuaat No Reply Letter.
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